Home Vídeos News Bolsonaro diz que simulação de atentado “demoniza” sua imagem

Bolsonaro diz que simulação de atentado “demoniza” sua imagem

by Infonew
Bolsonaro diz que simulação de atentado “demoniza” sua imagem

O presidente Jair Bolsonaro (PL) disse que os vídeos de uma suposta produção audiovisual, que mostra a representação de um atentado contra o chefe do Executivo, demonizam sua imagem. Assista ao Morning Show completo: https://youtu.be/XYqXNiQXhHE

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The Best Business Investment and Government Policy in This Recession

For those who have the money and aptitude for acquiring agricultural property and living on a farm this may be the right time to liquidate their urban assets and make the move. For governments seized with generating employment and shelter it can be a positive policy move if they assist such ventures through policy initiatives and even financial investments in the associated infrastructure.

Years of Reorganization – 2009 – 2012

2009 – 2012 will be years of great reorganizing and restructuring. This reorganization will apply to individuals, households and businesses. Individuals will re-examine the things in their lives deemed necessary and those now labeled “luxuries.” Households will work together to eliminate waste, share in the overhead, and cut back on all less-than-necessary items.

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