Home Vídeos News Bolsonaro diz que sugestões das Forças Armadas para as eleições não podem ser descartadas

Bolsonaro diz que sugestões das Forças Armadas para as eleições não podem ser descartadas

by Infonew
Bolsonaro diz que sugestões das Forças Armadas para as eleições não podem ser descartadas

Em meio à declaração de Bolsonaro que o TSE não pode descartar as sugestões das Forças Armadas para as eleições deste ano; Moraes ressaltou a postura do tribunal e da Justiça de concretizar a democracia e lutar contra os que não acreditam no estado democrático de direito.

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Calvin Coolidge and Hong Kong Economics: Certain Prosperity For Those Who Work Hard, Persevere

Until 1947 Hong Kong was as poor as the poorest African nations; it’s economy was under the Central Command of Communist China, with virtually no chance of private sector growth. Under a 1947 agreement with the United Kingdom, it’s economy was put on a path to small government, very free of government regulation. Hong Kong has almost certainly become the most spectacular economy over the longest period, of all others, holding its cost of government to 15% of GDP in most years. Small government means small cost of government to its taxpayers who pay for that government.

Libya and Rest of the Middle East Crisis May Push Oil Beyond Record Levels

The pro-democracy revolution in Egypt had only a limited impact on the markets, given its tiny role as an oil exporter. From the transport point of view as well, Suez Canal has allowed the traffic (>5% of total traffic) so far. However, the case of Libya is different – it the first time since the revolt broke out in Tunisia that the impact of sagging oil supply is being felt.

US Economy Goes on the Path to Recovery, But the Gray Areas Remain

After going over a topsy-turvy path the U.S. economy seems to be stabilizing. Since early last year, the numbers had been discouraging that lead to the downgrade of growth expectations. However, the last quarter 2010 results have registered an impressive comeback, beating all previous forecasts and promising a concrete path to success. On the other hand, there are serious issues to be dealt with before U.S. truly rejoices.

The Six Stages of Boom, Bust, and Recovery

The persistent economic recession that was triggered by the financial crisis of 2008 and has lingered through 2010 is showing every sign that it will drag into 2011.  This is not intended to be a foreboding of doom and gloom, but an honest assessment of the fundamental mis-alignment that the economy is still attempting to reconcile.

Union Budget 2011 in India: Tax Provisions

FM Pranab Mukherjee presented the Budget for FY 2011-12 in the Parliament earlier today. As the provisions were rolled out, the Bill turned out to be a mixed bag. The FM had a tough task of balancing the conflicting goals of lower taxation, lower inflation, growth impetus, and budget deficit.

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