Bolsonaro enfrenta tirania de Moraes, mas Toffoli livra colega em tempo recorde

Bolsonaro enfrenta tirania de Moraes, mas Toffoli livra colega em tempo recorde


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The Risk-Free Myth

The finance professors at New York University’s Graduate School of Business Administration all had experience on Wall Street, just steps away from our classrooms, when I earned my M.B.A. there in the mid-1980s. They taught me that the yield on U.S. Treasury bills represented a “risk-free” rate of return.

Do We Need Government Invervention?

A very important question facing society today is whether or not we need government? Now this, at first, sounds like a very provocative question, yet the government and its effectiveness is in question – debatably more than ever. Since the dawn of civilization there have been those that have assumed that the government always knew what was best. Yet, at some point as government continues to grow and grow – people begin to ask themselves “is this much government really necessary?” Government spending is at an all time high, in the trillions, yet many don’t stop to question where the government gets its money and more importantly if it is the best arbiter of such money.

Theory of the New Economy

As a business owner, I am interested in learning how organizations are using fewer resources to do more work. In other words, I want to learn a simple and straightforward methodology to apply in my organization that will yield long-term results. I am not looking for a shortcut, but rather a proven set of steps that I can use to improve the bottom line for my company. Like any other business leader, I am searching for a process that can be learned quickly and leads to results.

Who Else Knows the Big Secret As to Why Health Care Costs Are So Much Higher in The US Vs Canada?

Have you ever wondered why health care costs are so much higher in the US than in Canada? Well after finding out that a 60 day supply of a certain new Parkinson’s drug that cost me 800 US dollars in the USA, was being sold in Canada for a mere 128 US dollars, I conducted some informal but solid research into the problem. Though many contributing factors can be named, like for instance, that televised drug commercials directed at the public are discouraged by the Canadian government, another deeper and allegedly more malignant cause sits at at its roots. The solution did not appear to me while interviewing 2 pharmacists and a hospital administrator. Nor did I receive adequate answers when querying several social news websites. Then I happened to meet for other reasons with an attorney friend who had served as a legislator. He boiled it down for me to one single word: “lobbyists.” Let me explain.

Final Nail in the Economic Coffin

You are quite aware of the economic downturn over the last two years. So many people cannot get jobs, job layoffs are a daily occurrence, and small businesses are closing left and right. The situation is critical and this is a depression that is far worse then the one that occurred in the 1930’s.

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