Home Vídeos News Bolsonaro lidera corrida presidencial em São Paulo, diz Paraná Pesquisas

Bolsonaro lidera corrida presidencial em São Paulo, diz Paraná Pesquisas

by Infonew
Bolsonaro lidera corrida presidencial em São Paulo, diz Paraná Pesquisas

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3 Secrets to Profit in a ‘Bad Economy’

Everyone is talking about how terrible the economy is. The belief that we are all in trouble can negatively affect your business more than the original problems! Ride out this storm with these 3 secrets and come out ahead!

Credit Crisis – Renters Shouldn’t Bail Out “Home Owners”

Cast your mind back to a year ago – and I am sure we all remember a certain subset of “Home owners” ranting on about how much they’d made on their homes and how renters were throwing money away. Those were the very same people were very happy to withdraw equity from their houses and spend it on expensive holidays, 4x4s and the latest designer kitchen. This group were very happy to pocket the money and live the high life while prices went up. One year on – and how things have changed. Prices are no longer going up, interest rates have risen – and the same people now expect the tax payer to bail them out as prices go down.

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