Home Vídeos News Bolsonaro rebate Bruno Gagliasso no Twitter

Bolsonaro rebate Bruno Gagliasso no Twitter

by Infonew
Bolsonaro rebate Bruno Gagliasso no Twitter


O presidente Jair Bolsonaro (PL) reagiu às críticas do ator Bruno Gagliasso. Ele ironizou os ataques do artista e listou ações do governo federal. Assista ao Morning Show completo: https://youtu.be/iAOVTfEICfc

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Ready For Chindia’s Clout

The two most heavily populated countries in the world are China and India, with China holding the top world population position. Common but different, both are Asian nations that have large labor pools to draw from and at what a Westerner would consider to be dirt-cheap wages. Both countries are on the radar as business-aggressive and seeping into the world economy a little more each day.

The Real US Economy

The U.S. created 17.6 million jobs between 1993-98, and created only 3.7 million jobs between 2001-06. However, U.S. real GDP growth was only slightly higher from 1993-98 than from 2001-06. So, the U.S. became much more productive in the 2000s, i.e. using fewer inputs to produce more output. In 2006, only 13 million U.S. workers were needed to produce $5 trillion in U.S. manufacturing output. So, much fewer inputs were needed for a given level of output in the 2000s compared to the 1990s.

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