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Bolsonaro rebate manifesto pela democracia

by Infonew
Bolsonaro rebate manifesto pela democracia

O presidente Jair Bolsonaro afirmou que não precisa de “nenhuma cartinha” para falar que “defende a democracia” nem de sinalização de apoio de “quem quer que seja” para mostrar que o caminho é “democracia, liberdade e respeito à Constituição”. Assista ao Morning Show completo: https://youtu.be/4Kg2lbTgi0c

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VAT, Income Tax and the Pre-Budget Report

The UK pre-budget report announced on Tuesday, this has to be one of the biggest anticlimax announcements in history. It really was a case of the Chancellor trying to be all things to all men and in the end actually not doing much at all…and in some ways probably doing more harm. There are specific problems in the economy, most notably in the banking sector. These problems require a targeted approach, with substantial sums of money.

Get Rich Quick! I Don’t Think So

Imagine what it would be like to insulate yourself from the effects of the recession.Finally there is a way to survive and profit without spending a fortune.

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