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Bolsonaro recorre e pede que ação contra Moraes seja julgada pelo plenário do STF

by Infonew
Bolsonaro recorre e pede que ação contra Moraes seja julgada pelo plenário do STF

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US Double Dip Recession and What This Could Mean For Canadian Mortgage Rates

US fears of a double dip recession are slowly becoming a reality. Based on data released on housing, employment, construction and manufacturing it is becoming quite clear that things will more likely get worse before they get better with the world’s largest economy facing a huge uphill battle.

Consumer Predictions For 2011 – Will You Be Ready?

Many signs point to a continued economic downturn in 2011. We have compiled many sources to find what predictions might actually come true in the coming year. As a consumer in the marketplace, these predictions might save you a lot of money in the next 12 months.

Born on the 3rd of July – The Origin of the ‘Great Recession’

The ‘Great Recession’ began on the 3rd of July 2007. On that date, the most important document associated with the demise of the American economy – SEC Release No. 34-55970 – went into effect. The reason why, the Securities and Exchange Commission chose the day before a holiday, the 4th of July, which fell on a Wednesday, in the middle of a week when many Americans would be on vacation and financial institutions closed, was not coincidental.

Is the United States Facing an Upcoming Brain Drain? The Expatriate Exodus

During many epochs of the U.S. economic growth and development, the country has benefitted from the arrival of the educated elite of other lands fleeing their homelands looking for a better life. However, as of 2010 there is the possibility of this process being reversed. Numerous educated professionals and even entire companies are relocating to other parts of the world, looking for more economic opportunity and less taxation. The U.S. brain drain may have already begun.

Artificial Inflation Through Market Manipulation – Quite Problematic

Let me explain a problem I see concerning the use of so-called “inflation” data to trigger a control mechanism with a Central Bank to raise interest rates, or tighten money supply to prevent the fear of runaway inflation. We all know what inflation is, but my use of the term “artificial inflation” is a concept whereby fake manipulations in markets, or industries trigger higher prices, not because the buyers or consumers have vast amounts of money to blow, but because the sellers are cheating the system to force the higher price.

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