Home Nacionais e Internacionais “Bolsonaro só atende filhos e milicianos porque…” Olha o que o Lula falou de Bolsonaro

“Bolsonaro só atende filhos e milicianos porque…” Olha o que o Lula falou de Bolsonaro

by Infonew
"Bolsonaro só atende filhos e milicianos porque..." Olha o que o Lula falou de Bolsonaro

O ex-presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, pré-candidato à Presidência da República pelo PT, disse que Jair Bolsonaro (PL) só atendeu os filhos e os milicianos que o cercam durante o mandato. A crítica ao presidente foi feita durante discurso para moradores da Vila Soma, em Sumaré (SP), na manhã desta quinta-feira (5).

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The True Cost of Government

You pay more tax than you think. This study highlights all of the insidious little taxes we pay in a year, and how they all add up. Have I missed any?

R3 Economic Development Strategy – Retention, Relocation, and Recruitment

Not long ago, I was talking to an interesting gentleman who claimed to be a former aerospace executive, and these days in retirement he is working with the local economic development association. Out here in California the funding for such things has dried up, and those tasks have been left to chambers of commerce, city governments, and nonprofit organizations trying to develop tourism, new businesses, and recruit corporations into the area to hire more people. After all, jobs are a very serious issue right now, and we need those jobs for increased tax base, consumer confidence, and to help keep our economy above water.

The Economy Is Recovering – The Business Financial Newspapers Stated

Not long ago, I was reading several business newspapers and I had them stacked up. I also had a few magazines, all about business. Each one of them noted that the stock market was at an all-time high, that earnings season was looking good for major corporations, and that we would continually see new highs without a pullback in the stock market. This was long about the end of April 2013. We all know what came next (hindsight is always 20/20), but somehow folks were buying into that latest bubble, and forgetting about previous toils and troubles.

Bringing Skilled Workers to Australia

Unemployment affects the economy as it results into fewer taxpayers, decreased spending power and additional costs for the government. It is debatable if unemployment can be created by bringing skilled workers to Australia.

Will We Ever Achieve Financial Stability?

For the first time in four years, the United States Senate, controlled by the Democrats, has passed a federal budget but the House of Representatives dominated by Republicans will never approve it. This continued dysfunctionalism between the two houses is causing hardship and grief to hundreds of thousands of civilian government employees and putting tremendous pressure on the Federal Reserve System to keep our economy growing.

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