O presidente Jair Bolsonaro (PL) utilizou as suas redes sociais para se posicionar sobre o caso de um médico anestesista que foi flagrado cometendo atos de estupro contra grávidas em uma clinica no Rio de Janeiro. O mandatário considerou “extremamente lamentável” que a Constituição brasileira não permita que o criminoso seja preso de maneira perpétua, sem nenhum tipo de privilégio. Assista ao Morning Show completo: https://youtu.be/KATH3wjQITA
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Surviving a Market Slowdown
Markets are invariably linked to anyone’s sales figure, and markets are driven by the economy. In the event that a market slows down, how can one make sure of being consistent with their sales?
History Repeats ItselfTime and time again we can draw parallels from what is happening today, to historical examples of the past. And although it’s impossible for history to repeat itself exactly, there are indeed recurring themes, or more specifically conflicts, in the historical time line of mankind. We are currently on the edge of a significant era of history That is, the rise and fall of the American Empire.