Bolsonaro diz que é preciso ter ‘pena’ de quem pede AI-5. Janaina diz que Datena votou em Lula a vida toda. FHC sai em defesa de Doria em meio à crise no PSDB. Zé Neto x Anitta: entenda a treta que citou Lei Rouanet e mobilizou famosos. Marina Ruy Barbosa critica cancelamento: ‘Vão criar ídolos superficiais’.
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A Free Market Economy Without Freedom Isn’t
It is amazing to me how many times I run across people who want to trash capitalism. And I’m not just talking about all the occupying protesters at all the parks, folks who are being thrown out by police, or running away now from the colder weather. It’s been going on for far too long, and it bothers me because having participated in the free market system, I realize that it brings our society and civilization the abundance that we enjoy.
You Say Tax the Rich, I Say Tax the PoorThe other day, President Bill Clinton was promoting his latest book on CNN, doing a talk show interview. He said that he believed that rich people should pay more of their income as a percentage for taxes than poor people “simply because they can” – indeed, it seems to me I am reminded of an excuse that Bill Clinton made after reflecting the Monica Lewinsky incident. He explained in an interview back in 2000 that he tried to figure out why he did it, and the best thing he said he could come up with was; “because I could.
Why Is Everyone So Negative On the US Economy?I find it rather amazing that everyone is so negative on the US economy right now. Something’s wrong with the national tone, and obviously wrong with how the media is portraying the actual reality in the marketplace. Did you know we are experiencing about 2.5% growth, and actually the economy is doing quite well.
Youth Unemployment, How To Take ActionUnemployment, and youth unemployment in particular, has become an English, European and worldwide problem, which is deepening. There are an increasing number of jobseekers looking for work in all domains, and in almost all countries. Sadly, many of these are highly qualified post students and collegians.
A Better Solution For Our EconomyIn order for America to become a strong healthy nation instead of being in a debt crisis such as the deficit of billions a month fair tax could be a better solution to get the nation out of debt so our country can prosper. Fair tax would help everyone exactly what is fair?