Home Vídeos mais Recentes Brasil fica em 110° em lista de liberdade de imprensa

Brasil fica em 110° em lista de liberdade de imprensa

Brasil fica em 110° em lista de liberdade de imprensa


Neste Dia Mundial da Liberdade de Imprensa, o Brasil aparece mal no relatório da Organização Repórteres Sem Fronteiras sobre a liberdade dos jornalistas. O ranking colocou o Brasil na posição 110 entre 180 países.

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Time to De-Reserve Our Society

Reservation is an indictment of our system. Indian society needs to rise above this and look beyond caste and gender.

The Crash

Through-out this past year there has been a certain amount of speculation that World War III is eminent. When the general public thinks of war we conjure up images of horrific bloodshed and even nuclear weapons being dropped. But, there is a more insidious weapon that is actually poised to devastate economies all across the globe.

Management Without Control

The effective functioning of organizations is possible only on the condition when their objectives are achieved. In this respect, organizations need to have a clear strategic plan and goals they need to achieve since they indicate the direction in which organizations should progress and develop. However, the achievement of organizational objectives can encounter numerous obstacles because the contemporary business environment is constantly changing and organizations can face new challenges which they have not expected to encounter when they developed their strategic plans.

Adam Smith’s Wealth of Nations

The Wealth of Nations is actually a continuation of the philosophical design started in The Theory of Moral Sentiments. The best issue to which Smith addresses himself is the way the internal battle among the passions as well as the “impartial spectator” – explicated in Moral Sentiments in phrases of the single individual – works the consequences which can be found in the bigger area of history itself, both in the long run evolution of modern society and in terms of the quick attributes of the point of history normal of Smith’s very own day.

We The People Are Being Brainwashed

We the people! How many times have we heard this phrase? Yet, our Democracy is anything but.

How Trump’s Trade War Will Hurt You

Trump followed through on one of his campaign promises by starting a trade war with our trading partners to help reduce our enormous trade deficits. The first shots fired in this war are tariffs on steel and aluminum imports in an attempt to help American steel and aluminum producers. As with most wars, this one will have unintended consequences that will actually hurt the people it’s intended to help and make the problem worse.

The Business Model and Today’s Economy – A Warning to Universities and Investors

A warning to university administrators as they plan next year’s budget: there is a financial storm coming that will result in lower state support next year. Investors should also take heed as this will also affect corporate profits and prices.

Why Deficits Matter: 5 Examples

For many reasons, our public officials, and politicians, focus on responsibly budgeting, not, based on doing what’s necessarily, best for the United States, but, often, more on politics, and some political decision, agenda, and/ or self – interest. However, the reality is, whether one considers himself, to be, a progressive/ liberal, moderate, or conservative, the size of (or, even having one) the federal deficit, truly does matter, and count! We have often, observed, in the past few years, many members of today’s majority poltical party, profoundly oppose deficits, when they were in, the minority, but, based on their nearly, universal…

A Population Denied

As with all things seasons come and go and we all get old. Some age with dignity and grace while others succumb to illness or injury. It is these poor souls who suffer a more debilitating fate.

Mr Trump, Keep Your Campaign Promises If You Expect to Be Re-Elected

If an American President is elected based upon his, or her, promises to do certain accomplishable things if elected, that person will end-up being a one-term president if he, or she, doesn’t fulfill those promises. Take President George H. Bush, for instance. He said to the American people who elected him, “Read my lips, there will be no new taxes, or a tax increase.” Bush represented boldly that he was going to ensure that no new taxes, or a tax increase, would occur during his administration. Yet, new taxes were imposed on the people, and Bush was not reelected. If Donald Trump signs the 1.3 trillion dollar spending bill passed by Congress in March 2018, two things are definitely going to happen. The Democrats are going to win the House and the Senate during the 2018 mid-term elections, and Donald J. Trump will not get reelected in 2021.

Artificial Intelligence and the Economy in the 21st Century

Artificial intelligence is a driving business force in this fast changing 21st century. AI is no longer an implausible futuristic vision, but a stark reality that is disrupting businesses worldwide. In the 21st century, companies are forced to rethink traditional market approaches and become more service – centric in order to remain relevant.

Economic Growth Versus the Steady State in the 21st Century

A steady economy is an economy consisting of a constant stock of physical wealth and a constant population size. In effect, such an economy does not grow. The term typically refer to the national economy of a particular country, but it is also applicable to the economic system of a city, a region or the entire world.

Exposed The Worst Of Times

Are these the best of times, or are they the worst of times? Depending on one’s individual circumstance, it just could very well be the worst of times. And for far too many, it actually is.

The 2nd Revolution

Today, we live in a world filled with deception, deceit, and lies. The United States government continues to perpetrate gross injustices on the public. Sadly, though there really hasn’t been a unified effort to make our government accountable for all the travesties they have imposed on the American citizen.

4 Basic Options For America’s Economy/Budget

The United States of America, was created, based on certain principles, of freedom, and liberty, rights and obligations. Far too often, we have witnessed, elected officials, especially when they are running for office, resort to making empty promises, and using an excessive amount of rhetoric, often, focused on blaming and complaining, rather than viable solutions! An analysis of promises made by politicians, indicates very few, come to fruition!

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