Roberto Motta comenta sobre como o trabalho policial é dificultado não apenas pelos problemas da legislação brasileira, que prevê um excesso de direitos e a rápida soltura dos criminosos, mas também pela guerra midiáticas que demoniza a imagem da polícia e a desconstrução das consequências causadas pelas drogas.
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US Economic Recovery – Beige Book Reports Modest Recovery in Economy
In its latest beige book, the US Fed has reported economic recovery in most parts of the US, but tempered its statement with the term modest recovery. But, just what is the beige book?
Better Tools For the Knowledge EconomyThe legendary Peter Drucker, the Father of Management, stated these iconic words: ‘the best way to predict the future is to create it’. The building theory is that when nations and firms have control over many future variables, they have more chances to succeed. And creating that future requires constant new knowledge in the ever dynamic world.
A Letter to the EconomyA letter to the economy from a cynical girl who has suffered 14 months of unemployment. Details of the horrifying process of interviewing again and again and again only to be turned down by someone who has 20 years more experience than you do.
Awareness About the Money in Your PocketThroughout the current financial crisis, it has become increasingly apparent to the average individual that money can be and has been created out of nothing. Although the complexity of the Federal Reserve and central banks all over the globe is beyond the scope of this commentary, it is important to obtain an basic snapshot of what money is.
The Drain From SpainGreece’s latest downgrade gets a ton of press, but it reminds me of all the fuss that was made when GM/GMAC went below investment-grade – You ain’t seen nothin’ yet, was my reaction then and now. Like GM, Greece is a storied, even fabled entity to which we owe western democracy. I used to call GM the country of GM because it was so Byzantine – 35 layers of management at its bloated peak!