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Câmara dos Deputados discute mensalidade em universidades públicas

by Infonew
Câmara dos Deputados discute mensalidade em universidades públicas

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The Truth About the Community Reinvestment Act

Following the housing crisis and the 2008 financial collapse, there has been a lot of finger-pointing regarding the culprits of the mess. One such scapegoat has been the Community Reinvestment Act. Most people, however, have no idea what this act is, why it was enacted and how it works. Before we pass judgment on its culpability in the financial meltdown, let’s examine the act.

The Secret is Out – The Primary Goal of Federal Taxes is Not Revenue Collection

The secret is out – the primary goal of federal taxes is not to collect revenue! The federal tax system’s real function is to act as a social engineering tool. The top ten, or even fifty, reasons for tax collection don’t include revenue needs.

Financial Conservation – What Drives Economics?

Whenever you find yourself in a conversation with someone who plays the market, how often do you hear them talking about their losses compared to the killing they just made? Many studies have been done on the profit/loss ratio of those who participate in the gaming arena of the financial markets.

Consumer Views on Housing Needs and Homeownership Soured – How Will You Make the Most Wealth?

For as far back as almost anyone alive today, owning a home has been the holy grail of family wealth. The financial crisis and housing crash that caused it has changed all that. The debate is over and the data is coming in. American consumer housing values have indeed changed and apparently for the long term.

Will YOU Survive the Final Bubble and the Coming Economic Collapse?

Are we in the U.S. facing another giant and devastating financial and economic bubble? Will this bubble be the final bubble, and the end of capitalism? Will YOU survive it?

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