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Carta em defesa da democracia na USP tem viés de esquerda?

by Infonew
Carta em defesa da democracia na USP tem viés de esquerda?


Os comentaristas Guga Noblat, Paulo Figueiredo e Zoe Martinez debatem se a carta em defesa da democracia na Faculdade de Direito da USP foi idealizada por integrantes da esquerda. Assista ao Morning Show completo: https://youtu.be/yr6tAwoiINs

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Japanese Candlesticks Predicted the Rout in Fannie Mae Shares

The New York Times reported this morning that Fannie Mae announced a quarterly loss of $2.2 billion and a dividend cut, but that, nevertheless, the stock price rose (up $2.94 yesterday). The Times went on to report that investors believe that “Fannie Mae is in a position to pick and choose among the best and safest loans currently in the marketplace,” and that it intends to raise $6 billion in new money to purchase additional loans and to shore up its listing balance sheet. Moody’s was less optimistic, and Senator Shelby, the ranking Republican on the Senate Banking Committee, expressed concern.

$770 Million is a Start! But It Will Take More

President Bush announced that he will give $770 million in aid to the world food program. I read the article with much delight and thought finally we are starting to make strides concerning the crisis.

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