Home Vídeos News Caso Klara Castanho pode virar projeto de lei

Caso Klara Castanho pode virar projeto de lei

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Caso Klara Castanho pode virar projeto de lei

O caso de Klara Castanho, que doou bebê gerado por estupro e teve seu sigilo violado, está inspirando um projeto de lei estadual em São Paulo. A deputada estadual Erica Malunguinho protocolou o projeto nesta segunda-feira (27), na Assembleia Legislativa de São Paulo, visando garantir o sigilo para grávidas que optem por entregar a tutela do bebê de forma legal para terceiros.

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America’s Stories 2009 – The Courageous People Facing Unemployment and Homelessness

Unemployment is the highest it’s been in three decades. The housing mortgage fiasco has contributed to the dramatic growth of homelessness. Tent cities across the United States are growing and are populated not only by the chronically homeless but also with educated and middle class citizens who have lost their jobs and/or lost their homes. This article looks at the courageous people facing these challenges and the opportunity for everyone to impact change.

Understanding How Bailouts Work

What is a bailout? Since the beginning of the sub-prime mortgage crisis, a lot of financial terms have been thrown around by financial experts, Media, and Uncle Sam but nobody has taken the time out to explain what all these terms mean to Joe who isn’t very good with dictionaries. Outside of a class to gain financial knowledge, this article provides most of what every Joe needs to understand what a bailout is all about.

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