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Celular “some” em evento com Lula e fato vira piada na internet

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Celular "some" em evento com Lula e fato vira piada na internet

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Does the Economy Look Okay to You?

The Indian economy has been much in news the last few years mainly for the high rate of growth it achieved. Of late it has been more in news for slowing growth and the various scams that sullied its image. However what does the man on the street feel? Does he feel that he has made progress or is he in a bemused state?

The Economics of Free

One of the most interesting and unique economic phenomenon to emerge over the last 10 years is the impact of technology in creating products that are free to the consumer.  Chris Anderson writes about this in his book entitled “Free”.

Property Experts Can Help to Rebuild the Economy

Ireland’s economy depends largely on property which is why we desperately need property experts to help get us out of the recession. So why isn’t the Government using them? The wealth of the Irish nation was/is based on property values and the entire banking system was/is a leveraged play on property values: when property fell by a half the banks collapsed because they were more than 10 times leveraged.

The Fifty Year Depression – Just Around the Corner

Imagine your workplace closing down, your bank closing its doors and your credit cards cancelled – all within days. No food deliveries to the local supermarket and martial law in effect. That would be the positive spin. The negative spin would involve unprecedented violence, especially in America where everyone has guns.

Destruction and Creation – A New Jobs Hyperbole

It definitely takes new tactics and skill sets in order to acquire a position in the new world of IT, Communications, and Analytics. Sentiment Analysis is gauging the mood of Social Networks and is being incorporated by companies monitoring Community-Driven Websites.

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