“Chamar alguém de Vampirão…” Eduardo Boslonaro e Zambelli rebatem acusações

"Chamar alguém de Vampirão..." Eduardo Boslonaro e Zambelli rebatem acusações


O Conselho de Ética e Decoro Parlamentar da Câmara dos Deputados instaurou, nesta quarta-feira (4), processos disciplinares contra os deputados Eduardo Bolsonaro (PL-SP), Carlos Jordy (PL-RJ), Carla Zambelli (PL-SP), Jandira Feghali (PCdoB-RJ), Talíria Petrone (Psol-RJ), Josimar Maranhãozinho (PL-MA), Heitor Freire (União-CE), Bia Kicis (PL-DF) e Kim Kataguiri (União-SP).

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Government’s Job Is to Regulate Business and Manage Money Supply and Save Planet

Our Federal and State Governments keep growing and seem to be involved in all aspect of human life on Earth, often to the point of absurdity. Most people actually believe that expansion of the government makes a more safe and stable economy, environment, and society – but that is a fallacy. Our government seems to want to rule the world, save the planet, and control everything, heck, you’d think we were living in Communist China these days.

How Much Do the Global Warming Alarmists Want to Tax the Global Economy?

No matter that Global Warming is only a theory, the IPCC wants to hijack international trade, shipping, energy, transportation and anything else these elite global socialists can get their hands on. A few of the IPCC’s most outrageous leaders actually blame capitalism for being too efficient and creating too much abundance and thus using too much energy and using up too many resources as the prime culprit – their answer – kill capitalism to save the planet.

The Great Credit Crash

With so much attention focused on the Olympics and the Presidential election lies in wait the most severe financial crisis of our times. A financial crisis so severe 99% of all Americans will be financially devastated. They will in fact be far worse off than those who experienced the Great Depression of the 1930’s.

We Cannot Have Free-Markets Without Freedom – He Said

The problem with the progressive agenda is that it is largely a socialist based mindset, and socialism doesn’t work, so it isn’t progressive at all – rather, it is regressive. Free-Markets like Freedom itself are worthy of defending, for without the free contract, you have forced contract, that is to say you are forced to spend your money on choices premade for you by some other authority, like a government for instance. Recently, I had a heated discussion about this reality with a fellow think tanker, then another think tank member spoke up and said;

Why I Don’t Trust Hillary Clinton’s Economic Strategies Outlined During 2016 Presidential Campaign

Before Hillary Clinton revealed her regurgitated plan to help grow the economy again — at something better than 1.2% which is all the Obama Administration could muster after all that wasted TARP stimulus, alternative energy push, and equality mandates — she told her voters that she would be putting Bill Clinton in charge of the economy. Unfortunately, this is the same man who feel asleep during her acceptance speech – and who knows who he’ll be sleeping with while running the economy if she’s elected.

The Dawn Of A New, But Black Day

In the not too distant future, America is going to wake up, probably on a Monday morning, and find at least half of their wealth wiped away. A Day of Reckoning is coming and the people will be facing a financial tsunami that they never saw coming. Am I just illustrating a pessimistic attitude and you think dear reader that this could never happen in the good ole U.S.A.? WRONG!

The Collapsing Consumer Could Hasten a Recession

The U.S. economy limped along in the second quarter solely on consumer strength. Will that strength return for the third quarter and avoid a recession? Don’t hold your breath.

The Collector’s Marketplace Values And The Decline Of Value On Items We Saved For Increasing Value

The reality is the democrats are getting paid by the corporations and wealthy to raise taxes on them that will destroy small businesses and divert “All” the wealth in the U.S. to the corporations and wealthy. As the economy sinks due to greedy businesses using foreign labor and a government that feeds its pockets off of the greedy corporations the economy dives to a level that the wealthy businessmen and women are satisfied with. These wealthy business men and women do their best to keep the general public that’s not business at a wealth level where they cannot create competition against them and then to boot the general public will have to buy their corporate products exclusively because there’s nothing else. This scenario has been found out to be corporations and wealthy business personalities purchasing democrat politicians and paying these democrat politicians to raise taxes that in fact destroy their “Small Business” competition.

Understanding the Price of Scrap Metal

Selling scrap metal to a recycling center that specializes in metal is a highly-recommended method for earning a decent profit. Learn what you need to know about scrap metal prices right here!

The Global Economy: Drunk on Debt

The European economy is supposed to be wracked by doubt and anxiety over Brexit, negative interest rates and terror attacks. So why are markets rising? Government spending, and lots of it.

Another Day In Paradise

As one travels through the cities and towns across the United States you see the faceless multitudes drifting from place to place. For you and me it is just another day in paradise. But, for those countless millions all across the country their plight continues unmercifully with no respite in sight.

Free Trade Is Good, But Free And Fair Trade Is Best

When nations around the world trade goods and services they foster a friendly relationship, which means that war is less likely, that is a good thing right? Well yes, of course, Free Trade is a good thing, as it allows for the most efficient producers to produce just like free markets reward the best producers and create efficiencies. Everyone can win. We create and produce what we do best, they do the same, and we trade and we all get a better deal and everyone is happy. That is if these trade relationships are not overly manipulated by bureaucracies, international cartels, international monopolists, or state run enterprises dumping their subsidized products on the world in order to eliminate their competition for decades to come. Let’s talk.

Printing Money – Is That Really Bad?

Some would say that printing money is fairer than manipulated income tax system because when printing money it is devalued and no one escapes the pain? Okay, but why do either? I see income tax as problematic in that it causes huge amounts of time spent on preparing tax forms to prove your expenses and income, which in a way is yet another tax of time, paper, and stress, not to mention cost to hire a CPA or tax preparer due to the complicated tax codes in the US. But that is not a good reason to choose another method for collecting government revenues, nor is it a justification that we need to print more money for government in trade for getting rid of income tax.

Worse Than the Great Recession?

As another earnings season comes to an end, one thing immediately jumps out: Stock prices are out of whack from their core value – earnings. And the implications are dire.

The Key To A Successful Global Economy

When we think of a global economic system we would like to envision a world free of the retching poverty, disease, the corruption of political systems, the economic instability of some countries, the selfish dominance of leaders [ in that they refuse to ease the undo suffering of their people ] and a world that really can’t find lasting peace between nations. You just have to look to nations like what happened in Libya and other countries in Africa as well as Syria and North Korea today to understand that there are leaders who continue to deny their populations basic…

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3 EM 1 – 09/05/2022