
O que esperar da chapa Lula-Alckmin. Disputa pelo Senado em São Paulo gera atrito entre Carla Zambelli e Janaína Paschoal nas redes. Deputado Filipe Barros explica auditoria das urnas eletrônicas. Campanha ajuda jornalista condenado a indenizar Gilmar em R$ 310 mil. Cantor sertanejo Conrado passa por cirurgia e está em estado grave em UTI.

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The Impact of Unemployment on Social Security

Welcome to the new “no work ethic”. It came to light recently that a judge in the disability courts in Mississippi never denied a claim. He was removed from the bench. Between lax applications of requirements and attorneys taking advantage of existing laws, our Social Security Administration Fund is being rapidly depleted.

HARP 2.0 Is a Welcome Relief to Struggling Homeowners

A boom in HARP 2.0 refinances is providing the much needed relief for homeowners who are underwater on their mortgage payments or who are otherwise unable to refinance. According to the Federal Housing Finance Agency, homeowners taking advantage of HARP have been saving on average a total of $250.

Delivery Service Drivers Are Integral Part of Business

Drivers might not always be treated as well as a banker or an accountant. But they have tremendous responsibility in performing their jobs. Rain or shine, dedicated driver team heads out each day and deliver our business promises, in person with problem solving skills, logical thinking skills and a sharp mind for planning and execution of deliveries…

Components of Water and Its Uses

Water, as a chemical compound, is chemically formulated as H2O. A single molecule of water contains one and two molecules of hydrogen and oxygen respectively. The two are covalently linked together to form water. Basically, at the standard atmospheric pressure and temperature, water exists in the form of liquid. In most cases, on earth, it exists as solid in the form of ice while in its gaseous state, in the form of steam or water vapor.

Reserve Currency, But for How Long?

How come the US can print money, and then put that debt on the plus side of the Federal Reserve’s balance sheet? Well, because when they lend it into existence, they supposedly get money back in interest, and the reason they can print so much money without over inflating or hyper inflating our economy here at home is because of our severe trade deficits (poor government economic policies). What we are doing now is inflating other country’s economies which in turn will help balance our trade deficit. Remember it is a global economy now.

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