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Ciclopasseata pró-Lula na Paulista fracassa em público

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Ciclopasseata pró-Lula na Paulista fracassa em público

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Out of Work, Over 50: Bad Times in the Job Market

In a matter of weeks, Federal Unemployment extensions will end for over two million people. For those out of work over 99 weeks this makes little difference. They are already out of money. People out of work over two years feel tremendous despair at ever finding work again.

How to Save Your Money and Save Your Local Business This Holiday

How important is it to buy from your local business this holiday? This is written after Black Friday, so perhaps you are done with your shopping at a superstore. However, do you associate Thanksgiving with shopping? Are you more worried about holiday shopping that what each holiday really means to you? Read on…

A Different Kind of Black Friday

Like many Americans, I experienced Black Friday with great joy. Yet, my version of “Black” was a little different.

Continuum Of Care Homeless Assistance Programs

The US Department of Housing and Urban Development, otherwise referred to as HUD, is a Cabinet department in the Executive branch of the US federal government. HUD mainly focuses on attracting strong, lasting, inclusive communities and quality affordable homes for all. Ever since its creation in the 1960s, HUD has constantly been working in the direction of conditioning the nation’s housing industry to enhance the economy and at the same time protect the consumers.

Statistical Sleight of Hand

Well, the monthly unemployment figures for November were released yesterday and the usual confusion and negativity dominated the reporting. The news was mixed, most pundits said, as the economy added only 120,000 jobs, yet the unemployment rate fell to 8.6%. How could the rate fall by .4% to its lowest level in 2.5 years with so few jobs created, they mused. A riddle to be sure.

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