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Ciro Gomes elogia empresários e desqualifica pobres: Gente preparada, imagina na favela

by Infonew
Ciro Gomes elogia empresários e desqualifica pobres: Gente preparada, imagina na favela

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About Spain – Some Business Statistics and Tendencies

According to the authority on Spanish statistics (INE), Spain accumulated 2.942.583 companies in January 2004. This represents about 7.2 companies for each 100 inhabitants (which is nearly double the amount of the number in the Netherlands, which is 4.0) It is generally a known fact that in Spain the Small & Medium Businesses (SMB) outnumber any other business. Less well known is another interesting figure…

Immigration Issues, Economic Issues and What Was News in 1999

The United States of America’s government and the American populace seems to have a very short memory. We often repeat the mistakes we’ve made not less than a decade ago in our civilization. But, why do we do this? It seems rather odd and highly unfortunate that the greatest nation in the history of mankind; the United States of America cannot seem to get their political act together.

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