Home Nacionais e Internacionais Com esquerda no poder, inflação na Argentina deve chegar a 65% neste ano

Com esquerda no poder, inflação na Argentina deve chegar a 65% neste ano

by Infonew
Com esquerda no poder, inflação na Argentina deve chegar a 65% neste ano

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Are Stressed Municipality Budgets and Legacy Costs Affecting Our Water Treatment Facilities?

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is quite serious when it comes to its NPDES permitting and its rules for sewer treatment plants or POTW’s. The water coming out of a sewer treatment plant must be almost perfect before it is released. There are obvious reasons for this, namely that there are people downstream who might be drinking from that water. You can understand how serious that gets. This means that the stringent policies are always causing municipalities to upgrade their sewer plants, and at huge costs.

Is The US Economy Circling The Drain?

This is a medical term used by hospital staff when a patient is beyond all hope of saving but is still alive,still clinging to the very last bit of life till it too is gone, and the patient slips quietly into death. They are no longer a part of this world and gone forever. Is this an accurate description of our economy right now in its present state of being.

Class Warfare – A Global Problem of Epic Proportions

Anyone who lives in the United States realizes that we have a bit of class warfare going on. That’s pretty upsetting because America has always stood for excellence, rewarded winners, and given an incentive for upward mobility. If those who succeed are clawed back and their monetary rewards stolen from them, then it will prevent many in the lower-class from trying to achieve the middle class, and even fewer middle class folks from ever making it to the upper-class. That’s exactly the opposite of how Americans used to think.

Since When Should a Socialist President Demand the FED Manipulate Monetary Policy for Jobs?

The Federal Reserve is a private bank, and in some regards it has been granted more power to make policy than even the government itself. Still, it is a private entity for a reason. Some recent politicians have suggested we get rid of the Federal Reserve and create a bank for the United States run by the government. That might seem like a nice plan, but I cringe at the thought, let me explain why.

Will the Euro Survive the European Crisis?

It was in 1999 that 17 member nations from the European Union came together to form a powerful economic alliance, known as the Eurozone. The Maastricht Treaty of 1992 laid down stringent criteria to gain a membership in the alliance. Euro became the face of this congregation, standing in direct competition with the strongest currencies, US Dollar and British Pound. Today, years of rampant violation of the fundamental philosophy of the Eurozone and glaring financial realities threaten the very existence of this economic force.

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