Com o fim do prazo para os partidos fazerem o registro oficial de seus candidatos e as agendas de Bolsonaro em Juiz de Fora e de Lula em SP para iniciar oficialmente a campanha eleitoral, uma pesquisa da BTG/FSB mostrou os presidenciáveis respectivamente com os índices de 45% e 34% no 1º turno.
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The UK Housing Market – Is it Heading for a Crash?
Many fear the UK housing market is heading for a crash. This article tries to look at the potential causes and analyse the probability.
Stimulus Bill Signed, But I Don’t Feel Anything!Bush signed the stimulus bill on Wednesday, making the bill we have all been waiting for final. Will this be the bill to boost the economy and fight off a recession? Will this bill target all the hot spots of the economic fire?