Home Vídeos News Conrado: Narrativas da mídia sobre morte do tesoureiro do PT são desmontadas por fatos posteriores

Conrado: Narrativas da mídia sobre morte do tesoureiro do PT são desmontadas por fatos posteriores

by Infonew
Conrado: Narrativas da mídia sobre morte do tesoureiro do PT são desmontadas por fatos posteriores

Fernando Conrado aponta como a narrativa da imprensa de que “um bolsonarista invadiu a festa e matou um petista” logo é desmontada com os fatos posteriores e imagens da câmera de segurança, e destaca como o caso revelou a esquerda como um todo favorável à violência.

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It’s Back to Basics

Perhaps not surprisingly, some sales today are rising out of sheer necessity, like buying food, clothing and shelter. In fact, men and women today are in the midst of a significant re-ordering of their priorities back to the basics.

What’s That $8,000 Tax Credit All About?

Hopefully, anyone wanting to purchase a home knows about the $8,000 tax credit offered by the IRS for home buyers. There seems to be some confusion about this tax credit (as is often the case when the government does anything) and a lot of people have questions about it. I visited with IRS spokesman David Stell to clear up a few things and will share his knowledge with you fine folks now.

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