O Pânico Retrô é um canal oficial que mostra o que de melhor e mais engraçado que acontece no Programa Pânico no Rádio. Aqui você não perde nenhum detalhe desse programa sensacional. Inscreva-se e venha fazer parte dessa bagunça!
Vídeos Curtos do Pânico (Shorts): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3AYvvTlMK4VzhXHoyyAxdQ
Entrevistas completas do Pânico Jovem Pan: https://www.youtube.com/c/panicojovempan
Canal Oficial do Programa Pânico na Band: https://www.youtube.com/c/ProgramaP%C3%A2nicoLab
New Advances for the UK Air Freight Industry
As with so many other sectors, it seems that the future of freight forwarding is online. The internet has long been hailed for the convenience it offers. It is therefore perhaps unsurprising that the UK air freight industry has decided to explore the potential it offers by introducing new electronic processes.
The U.S. Economy – An Alphabetic, Easy-to-Understand, Light-Hearted Look at What is HappeningEconomics is boring, intimidating, and frustrating in the hands of an amateur. It is even worse in the hands of a professional. Presenting weekly economic and financial information with an unusual twist can occasionally be a most welcome change. This is my semi-annual alphabetic view of the U.S. economy, also known as “Domestic ABCs”.