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The Need For Global Tax Reform
Globalization is changing how countries large and small collect their tax revenues. Today, the world economy is far more open than it was in the past decade, and it just continues to become more open with developing technology. Many problems have developed because of the collision of tax systems, and many countries need to reorganize their tax systems.
The Theory Behind PrivatisationOver the course of time, many societies have tried to address the balance behind the public and private sector. It has led to the development of several ideologies with various countries experimenting in different ways.
International Industrial Development Is Leading to World UnificationInternational alliances will become increasingly centered on specific long term goals of industrial production and distribution and less on military or ideological needs as was the case in the 20th century. The essence of 21st century competition is competition in efficient product output and jockeying for position to be the main link in a global state directed heavy industry chain.
A Little Too Quiet on the Western FrontIt’s awfully quiet in world markets right now…a little too quiet right now…The classic early warning signs are just emerging and investors need to…
Tug of War Leaves Investors Between a Rock and Hard Place – Recovery or Not, Where’s My Yield?The signs of a recovery are everywhere… from lower unemployment to retail sales to manufacturing. Yet, the spoiler at the party, or perhaps the realists, continue to be Ben Bernanke and the Federal Reserve. Even in the face of improvement, they continue to stand ready to pour more stimulus upon the economy, or more fuel on the fire.