Cristina Graeml reitera como o grande intuito do ato de 7 de setembro é levar os brasileiros às ruas para pedir mais uma vez que os poderes atuem dentro de suas respectivas competências, visando o fim da ditadura da toga pelo Judiciário, e critica o duplo padrão de tratamento da manifestação e da carta pela democracia.
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I Read the News Today Oh Boy – a Think Tank Monologue Discussion
What does an Online Think Tank think about? Well, many things past, present and future, but let’s live life in the present period for a moment and consider the some of the Sound and Fury. Let us talk about now. Pouring thru data, information and news to find glimpses and pieces to the puzzle in order to solve the problems of humankind, one often gets lost in the information fog. Either by choice or design it happens to the best of us and maybe that’s exactly what they want.
China Approves Anti-Monopoly Laws – Good News or Cause for ConcernIt should be noted that many a communist nation has taken an intermediate term in a past period and commandeered the foreign businesses or nationalized entire industries. One interesting think that I have noted is that we are teaching foreign governments some vary bad habits as we attack American Businesses with anti-trust laws in the US.