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Venezuela Is Running Out Of Oil – Sulfur Content Too High Bad For The Environment Anyway
Oil price manipulation being used in a Trade War against the US and it is a direct attack on the middle class in America. Not long ago I watched the Iran-Nigeria-Venezeula power play to agree to limit supply amongst them in order to affect the United States. Each agreed to limit supply without the full assistance of OPEC; it turned out to be a mistake, but it was aimed at attacking the US.
Learning About Bureaucracy and How it Stifles Free MarketsWhen you say free markets many people just do not understand what on Earth you are getting at and yet in our own Constitution we have the right to free contract and it is formally decreed that there taxation without representation is unacceptable. Yet over regulation becomes a burden and over all tax on society destroying all the efficiencies that are created from free markets and free enterprise in the fist place.