Home Nacionais e Internacionais DANGER ZONE REFEITA EM TOP GUN MAVERICK 2022


by Infonew

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#TopGun #TopGun2022

Current Comment: Reforming the Bankers

It is generally recognised that the recession of recent years had its origin in the bad practices of the big banks and financial institutions. A few collapsed completely and a few more were rescued by huge injections of taxpayers’ money. The public was enraged by this evidence of mismanagement and especially by the unbridled greed of the bankers reflected in their wholly disproportionate salaries and bonuses. For a while, the media echoed this public anger but it was soon deflected onto members of parliament, some of whom had been claiming excessive expenses. While nobody condones greed on whatever scale, one has to wonder why concern over the petty misdemeanours of politicians was allowed to drown the outrage directed at the mega-million criminals in the banks.

Shooting For Tax Dollars, Hitting The Treasury

The administration aimed to stop corporate inversions. Instead, it hit the Treasury and made U.S. firms a target for foreigners.

Financial Crisis in Jamaica – Scarce Foreign Exchange

The fragile Jamaican economy is heavily dependent on foreign exchange which is used to pay debts and purchase goods and services. The global recession gave Jamaica a devastating blow, which stunned the economic growth and crushed many small businesses. The country is now on the rebound and financial experts have predicted a slow and minute growth for the next fiscal year. Here are ways we can assist in earning these well-needed foreign exchange.

Some Overlooked Aspects Of A Mighty Dollar

Yes, a strong dollar hurts exporters. But that is just one of many impacts on the U.S. economy.

Winners and Losers From Oil’s Price Plummet

The price of oil has seen a slippery descent over the last six months, with Brent Crude plummeting from a June 2014 peak of $115 a barrel to $48.81 as of January 18. As an intrinsic part of modern day life, changes to ‘liquid gold’ affects everyone from global to consumer levels.

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