Home Vídeos News Danilo Gentili lamenta e fala sobre Jô Soares

Danilo Gentili lamenta e fala sobre Jô Soares

by Infonew
Danilo Gentili lamenta e fala sobre Jô Soares


Nesta sexta-feira (05), o programa Morning Show recebeu o comediante Danilo Gentili. Em entrevista, ele lamentou a morte de Jô Soares e afirmou que o apresentador foi uma inspiração para sua carreira. “Sem dúvida alguma, faço talk show porque cresci assistindo a talk show. Sempre tentei trabalhar com coisas que eu gosto, gostava de assistir Jô Soares e fui fazer o meu. Aqueles anos do Jô, particularmente os que mais gosto, eram os anos em que ele estava no SBT. Subversivo, menos mainstream, buscava aqueles convidados fora do radar global. Aquilo era muito engraçado, sempre rendia conversas muito interessantes”, lembrou. Assista ao Morning Show completo: https://youtu.be/MyixGox1Vy0

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Inflation Vs Recession

It would be a very interesting position to be on the Bank of England’s Monetary policy committee (MPC) at the moment. Driven by the monetarist policies of both New Labour and the Conservatives, the rule always seems to have been control inflation by raising interest rates. This basic concept seems to have been lost during these Credit Crunch times.

Does the US Government Have it All Wrong?

The Government Sponsored Entities (GSEs) bailout is now predicted to cost taxpayers between 50 – 300 billion, with Former Federal Reserve governor William Poole saying the 300 billion number was closer to reality. The stock market is loving the bailout of mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, as seen by the 2.59% gain in stocks Monday. It has done an amazing job of holding up what would have otherwise been a complete collapse of the housing and financial market, let alone the economy.

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