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Datena rebate ataques que tem sofrido no cenário político

by Infonew
Datena rebate ataques que tem sofrido no cenário político

De acordo com a Folha de S. Paulo, Datena declarou “a política pode desistir dele mais uma vez”, em meio aos ataques que vem sofrendo de apoiadores de Bolsonaro por conta de sua candidatura ao Senado por São Paulo

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The Middle Class Family and The Recession

Middle class families have really found themselves on the wrong side of the economy after the recession hit the western countries and the rest of the world. The socioeconomic statuses of these families have changed for the worst though it seems that it is going to take a while before life comes back to normalcy.

The US Debt

As of this year, the United States debt reached over $14 trillion and nearly two-thirds of this amount is regarded as the public debt. For individuals who do not understand much about our current economic woes, read this article to gain a clear understanding of our debt.

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