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Debate sobre armas nos EUA pega fogo

by Infonew
Debate sobre armas nos EUA pega fogo

Nos Estados Unidos, foi detido o suspeito do tiroteio que matou seis pessoas e deixou 36 feridos nesta segunda-feira (4). Os disparos ocorreram durante o desfile de 4 de Julho, Dia da Independência dos Estados Unidos, em Highland Park, um valorizado subúrbio de Chicago, disseram autoridades. Assista o Morning Show completo: https://youtu.be/A-Nr9BvtMcE

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What is the Non-Farm Employment Change Report?

The U.S Non-Farm Employment Change, also known as “Non-Farm Payrolls” (NFP) or “Employment Report”, is a monthly economic indicator used to measure the change in the number of employed people, excluding those in the farming industry. Each month the Current Employment Statistics program surveys about 150,000 businesses, representing approximately 390,000 worksites, in order to provide detailed industry data on employment, work-hours, and earnings of workers on non-farm payrolls for all 50 US states. The survey is then published on the first Friday of each month.

Import From China – The Humble British Bicycle

It is amazing to think that there are, today, over three hundred million bicycles in China. A far cry to their popularity as late as the 1940’s when there were only around half a million bicycles in the whole of that country.

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