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What Determines The Difference Between A Successful Business and Going Bankrupt?

This economic climate today provides us with choices. Everywhere we go we hear the word money. There is never enough. Yes there is enough money if we use the wisdom God has given us to help other people. The law of attraction can be found in all chapters of The Holy Bible, if we just take a moment to allow the words to speak to our hearts. We can think on the negative and feel that everyone is out to get us. The mission and intent of the unseen Phantom of Identity Theft is to steal all we have including our core values and replace these values with greed and destruction. We have another choice; we can think on the positive and receive the quiet voice we here in our heart, that if we do our part to help enough other people we can turn our own life around. This is profound wisdom and it works. This is God’s wisdom.

Our Economic Growth and Vitality Are Pending the Outcome of 2012 Election – Capitalism or Socialism

It was very interesting to see what President Barack Obama would say during the 2012 Democratic National Convention, well, it turns out he didn’t say anything, rather as you know once again he read a perfect speech from a teleprompter. Indeed, our Teleprompter in Chief is quite skilled in this endeavor, and as I study history I’ve noted that many a socialist leader of the past has been able to speak to the people telling them what they want to hear, and yet, do so in a way that people never hear the reality of what they are doing or what’s really going on.

Central Bank Power And Its Limit

Central bankers have the power to provide limitless cheap credit to governments. But that doesn’t fix the economy.

Orlando Florida Is a Vital City to the Economy and Health of Florida

Orlando Florida is a key city and metropolitan area to the state of Florida. While it is known as an international tourist destination, it is also a center of manufacturing and distribution.

Economic Writing Online

Lately, I’ve noted that most of those who write quality content and online articles about economics are tying it all into the issue of jobs and employment or lack of; aka unemployment. There’s a lot more to economic issues than just jobs and employment, although reading the newspaper or even the business news lately, you wouldn’t think it. If you are an online article author I hope you will get a better understanding of economic issues so that you can help the online reader make better judgments.

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