Home Vídeos News Deltan está sendo perseguido politicamente?

Deltan está sendo perseguido politicamente?

by Infonew
Deltan está sendo perseguido politicamente?

A 2ª Câmara do Tribunal de Contas da União condenou o ex-coordenador da Operação Lava Jato Deltan Dallagnol, o ex-procurador-geral da República Rodrigo Janot e o ex-chefe da Procuradoria da República no Paraná José Vicente Beraldo Romão pelo pagamento considerado “desproporcional” de diárias e passagens a outros sete procuradores durante sete anos. Assista ao Morning Show completo: https://youtu.be/iAOVTfEICfc

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How to Survive Tough Economic Times

Some tips on how small business owners can survive and even grow during tough economic times. These include tips on growing your existing business, gaining new customers, using e-marketing techniques and cutting expenses.

Second Wave of Foreclosures Due in 2009 As Option ARMs Default

If the previous year of record foreclosure rates, falling home values, a declining stock market, and continuing inflation have seemed like too much catastrophe for the US economy to bear, just wait. There will be no short term recovery in the housing market; in fact, foreclosures will continue to increase and property values will keep falling for at least the next year, with a second wave of foreclosures set to begin in the spring of 2009.

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