Home Vídeos News Deolane denuncia abandono de marcas após foto com Lula

Deolane denuncia abandono de marcas após foto com Lula

by Infonew


A advogada e influenciadora digital Deolane Bezerra declarou que está perdendo contratos publicitários desde que começou a se posicionar politicamente nas redes sociais. A viúva de MC Kevin, que declara apoio ao ex-presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT), disse que não é só com ela que isso está acontecendo.

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Stimulus Induced Growth – Is it Global Recovery on Steroids?

In the first half of 2009 stimulus packages were injected into economy of each country, which managed to perk up the respective ailing economies from the brink of recession. This shot in the arm has been eloquently described by many economists as equivalent to keeping the world economy on steroids. I won’t mind going along with such succinct description of the present state of global economy. The economic recovery from Mar 2009 low is definitely because of the steroids pumped into each nation’s economy. And as it always happens with pumping steroids, recovery has been really spectacular. So spectacular has been the global economic recovery that one cannot be faulted for being believing that global economy has made a V-shaped recovery. But this is where one should draw the line. Stop and think – rationalize! Someday sooner than later, effect of steroids is bound to wear off. What happens then???

Economic Recession – I Will Not Participate!

Are you part of this economic recession? Why? Learn how to refuse to participate in the current (or any) recession to come.

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