Home Vídeos News Depois da gasolina, preço da carne também deve cair

Depois da gasolina, preço da carne também deve cair

by Infonew
Depois da gasolina, preço da carne também deve cair

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Some Banks Now Want to Return Government Money

Wall Street banks have taken billions of taxpayer dollars. Now some of them are starting to wonder if they should give the money back. Even before the government announced its latest efforts to fix the troubled banking industry on Tuesday, executives at Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley said they wanted to repay the money quickly. Both banks received $10 billion under the first rescue plan last fall.

Hopeful Dice Rolling is Not an Economic Recovery Strategy

The economy began to unravel in the final months of the Bush Administration, its severity perhaps catching even the best economic minds off guard. Now, the liberal controlled Congress and the Socialist Obama Administration are lustfully exploiting an extremely tenuous period in our history. Do not stand by hoping. Step forward to demand accountability. Washington, not Wall Street, is where corrosive greed festers.

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