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Deputados do PT ficam contra fim das “saidinhas” para bandidos

by Infonew
Deputados do PT ficam contra fim das "saidinhas" para bandidos

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Mortgage Crisis Analysis – What Caused the Mortgage Crisis?

What really caused the mortgage crisis? If you listen to the analyst on TV or the politicians, it would appear that it’s the small lenders and brokers who are to blame. It’s not that easy, the next time you hear an “expert” on TV, (who probably can’t spell m-o-r-t-g-a-g-e), blaming the small brokers and lenders for the mortgage mess, just remember this chain of events:

This is Why Bush’s 700 Billion Dollars Bailout Plan Will Fail

Last Wednesday the President stood before the American People to make his case for the massive bailout plan that Congress is now working to approve. However many believe that the President’s plan does not solve the problem facing this economy. Like the author of this article, they believe that the only plan that could best deliver the results so badly needed is a plan that places homeowners at the center of the equation.

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