Home Vídeos News Diferença entre Lula e Bolsonaro cai nos 1º e 2º turnos, segundo pesquisa

Diferença entre Lula e Bolsonaro cai nos 1º e 2º turnos, segundo pesquisa

by Infonew
Diferença entre Lula e Bolsonaro cai nos 1º e 2º turnos, segundo pesquisa

Segundo nova pesquisa realizada pelo instituto BTG/FSB, a diferença das intenções de voto entre Lula e Bolsonaro apresentou uma queda nas duas etapas da disputa presidencial, sendo no 1º turno 43% contra 33%, respectivamente, e 52% do petista contra 37% do presidente no 2º turno.

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China’s Edible Oil Prices See an Increase

Due to the planting season at present, the international forward price of soybean will continue to rise for one or two months. Thus the price of edible oil will also see an increase of 10 percent this time.

The Utter Failure of Cash For Clunkers

The cash for clunkers program has been touted as a success, and it may be, but the question is “a success for whom?” If you think that the answer is the American people your are dead wrong! Oh sure politicians can authorize handing out $4500 of our money, be astonished that people want it and then declare the program a success. The rest of us can think a little clearer and come out with an answer based in reality.

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