
Após ser questionado por Rodrigo Constantino sobre o possível banimento do direito ao aborto nos Estados Unidos, Mauricio Souza reitera como o tema é banalizado desde o passado, e defende o direito da ala conservadora de expor seu ponto de vista sem ser criminalizada.

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A Dove Takes Wing At The Fed

As Fed chair, Janet Yellen might be a voice of economic reason among Democrats. It isn’t likely, but we can hope.

Keeping Assad in Power Is the Only Way to Peace in Syria

To understand the extent of complexity in the Syrian conflict, some of the views of Jamil Sawda, a Syria specialist, in his August 29, 2013 interview with ABC news are examined. Who is supporting whom, and what comes next for the country. His views as an expert on the subject are quite similar to mine and are used in expressing and fortifying my views.

A Tale Of Too Indebted Cities

The other day I was in Pasadena California at a Starbucks. If you don’t know where Pasadena is – it is home to JPL – Jet Propulsion Laboratories, Cal Tech, The Rose Parade, and the place where John Kerry said; “You know, education, if you make the most of it, you study hard, you do your homework and you make an effort to be smart, you can do well. If you don’t, you get stuck in Iraq,” while at the City College in Pasadena. Yes, this is the wonderful city where Mr. Kerry suggested that smart people do not serve our country in the Military.

The Economics of Illegal Immigration From Mexico to the USA

Most people realize that a lot of the illegal immigration debate is about jobs. Folks in the US don’t want to see their jobs being taken by undocumented workers. Of course, right now with the economy not so great many of those who’d previously come to the US have now gone back to Mexico, where the unemployment is in some regions under 4.5%. But what happens when that turns the other way, what happens when Mexico’s economy turns South for a while? The reason I ask is that it is happening now.

Is ObamaCare a Slow Step-By-Step Assimilation Plan Like the Eurozone?

Not long ago, I was reading through “Financial Turmoil – In Europe and the United States,” by George Soros, it is a collection of many of his editorial pieces on economic philosophy and his concepts of what should have been done or what to do, basically in real-time dates during and after the 2008 US Economic Crash and then the following crisis in the Eurozone. In one of his articles he duly noted the mistakes made by the EU formation.

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