Ricardo Salles critica a hipocrisia do discurso da esquerda sobre sustentabilidade no Brasil diante do cenário de guerra entre Rússia e Ucrânia, que fez com que os europeus recorressem ao uso de termelétricas como fonte de energia alternativa.
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Sound Money and Deflation
With the enormous leaps in industrial productivity over the 20th century, shouldn’t a penny now buy me at least 10 Snickers bars instead of nothing? Or how fiat money serves to prolong the life of capitalism while libertarians are ironically fighting to make capitalism disappear.
National Debt – Considering The Whopping Interest PaymentAs odd as it sounds, the national debt can be described as a bit of a credit card like debt. As with credit cards, the real danger is the interest you end up paying over the years. With the national debt as it is now constructed, the interest payments we make each year are a crime.
Egypt Had a Lot of Benefits as an Emerging Nation Economy – What Now?Egypt has an awful lot going for it if it can find itself. You see, it has available labor, a great strategic location for trade, and a real opportunity to see inflows of foreign capital to build it up. However, it obviously has its challenges now.
Statism Of The Union IIAs far as the observation that both have (or had) the ability to make great speeches, I’ll concede that Presidents Reagan and Obama are similar. But the similarities end there. In terms of real substance, Barack Obama definitely ain’t Ronald Reagan.
Economic Recovery and Technologies Like 4G Wireless InternetWhen President Obama took over the White House it was during a time when the country needed a leader to steer it out of a severe economic depression. One of the methods he cited to bring the country back around and jump start the economy was the implementation of plans to establish more high speed internet networks. In a country where many places are still working with dial up internet, it’s hard to hold them to the same standards of business and industry that businesses with top technological access are reaching. When internet can get a company half way across the world on the phone in a matter of seconds, it doesn’t make much sense to do business with one that has to do everything by ‘snail mail’ still, but that’s what happens in the absence of a broadband internet connection. The cost of expanding high speed networks like cable and DSL, the terrestrial broadband networks, just doesn’t make sense for either the government or private communications companies. Now, the real technology of the future will come from mobile networks like mobile WiMax.