A comédia dramática “Dog – A Aventura de uma Vida”, o terror tailandês “A Médium” e o filme “Chamas da Vingança” são as principais estreias desta quinta-feira (19) nos cinemas. A apresenta Kamila Pavão conta tudo sobre estes filmes. Confira!
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The Fed Still Can’t End Stimulus Efforts!
The strong jobs report for March has raised expectations that the Fed will be able to begin raising interest rates to ward off inflation. Here’s why that is unlikely.
Why Iceland Voted “No” to Repay Icesaves Debt to Holland, and the UK?The difference in what ordinary people think is right, and their governments can often create a paradox. This was the case when ordinary Icelanders voted a firm “No” to paying the cost themselves, of the huge four billion euro debt left by Icesave- a private bank based in Iceland. Why did the majority of Icelanders reject taking on this debt themselves?
The Benefit Of Going Green Is SustainabilityToday I’d like to share with you a little bit about going green. First of all, we need to know what going green is. We also need to figure out what going green isn’t.
Societal MyopiaWhy is it that we’re always focusing on the wrong things? There is a clear human tendency to only see that which is directly in front of us, as opposed to envisioning the bigger HD picture. We love easy answers.
Food Storage in a Poor Economy Just Makes SenseThere’s an old saying that Preparation is the only true Security. In these economic times with almost 9% unemployment, oil and gas prices soaring, food costs on the rise you have two choices: prepare for the future by taking matters into your hands, or hoping that government will bail you out if times get worse. With a “broke” government in place, do you really have a choice at all?