Thiago Braga comenta sobre como, apesar do Brasil não ter exatamente a figura de uma grande liderança histórica, Dom Pedro II merece destaque e reconhecimento por ter sido muito à frente de seu tempo, e explica o mito sobre a virilidade dos espartanos.
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After Market Sales and the Slow Down Economy
I have been a proper consumer – and by “proper” I mean I pay for my own stuff and have stopped mooching money off of one or both of my parents – for almost a year now, and as most consumers who are thought of as part of the middle class, I am always looking for a good bargain. And by “good bargain”, I obviously mean “will haggle within an inch of my life, if it means I could haggle it down to seventy-five percent of its original price.”
The Housing Debacle, The Energy Crisis, And The Falling DollarEconomic experts tell us that we may be heading for a recession or something even worse a full blown depression. Some economists say we are already in a recession and it’s going to get bad relatively soon. The stock market has been making wild swings both up and down,and the ever troubling energy markets still remain a huge concern because it is driving up the price of almost everything.