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#Marvel #DoutorEstranho2 #DoctorStrange2

There Is No Curtain Call For This Greek Tragedy

What has befallen the Greek nation is still a real authentic Greek tragedy. It was the Greeks after all that first ushered in the genre of tragedy. The dramas of Aeschylus around 500 B…

The American Experience

The world my seem like one big gray area but, when we take a close look at human nature many of the issues today are as simple as black and white. In this political season so many opinions are swayed by remarks that reflect an outside contradiction to one’s own set of ideals. The principles of our founding Liberty, Justice, Education, and Morality have all been realigned to fit agendas for personal gain.

Why Digital Currency Outweighs Fiat Currency

Businessmen often stay with the traditional methods that concern their businesses. They wanted to ensure that their businesses are in good hands. But as technology innovates, new trends and trading platforms are emerging.

What Will Happen to Banks If Greece Leaves the Eurozone?

While the probability of Greece defaulting has been present for quite a few years, the threat of a “Grexit” has never seemed more real. With every day bringing along a new episode in the ongoing negotiations between Athens and its creditors, banks are starting to fear that what now seems like a drama has the potential of turning into a full-blown Greek tragedy. And yet, with words like “rampant inflation”, “financial turmoil”, “Eurozone collapse” flying in the air, what will actually happen to banking in Europe if Greece’s bailout stalemate turns into a checkmate?

How Digital Currency Could Transform the World

Digital currency will not only offer ease and speed, but it also opens a wide range of opportunity not only to its users but also to other people outside the service. Also, soon enough, it will change the way we transact, communicate, and bank.

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