Ao ser questionado sobre uma eventual nova candidatura para futuras eleições, Pablo Marçal ressalta não ter a pretensão de seguir carreira política, mas sim mudar a mentalidade da população sobre a escolha dos ocupantes de cargos públicos, e avalia o cenário da polarização entre Lula e Bolsonaro.
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The Credit Crisis Is Fueled By Fuel Prices
Much of the financial crisis in the world is caused by a lack of confidence between banks and financial institutions and their clients which are symptoms of the credit crunch not the root cause. Changing the supply and demand for oil which is the root cause would restore confidence and avoid financial turmoil.
Help – The Economy Is Falling!As a business owner you may be confused about your plans for the economic slow down. Now is the best time to look at your marketing budget and increase it. Yes that is right, increase your marketing and sales budget. Don’t be like the naive business owner that cut expenses. Read on and learn the logic behind this philosophy.