Eduardo Bolsonaro defende Magno Malta contra Barroso. STF pede posição de Bolsonaro sobre motociata com Allan dos Santos. Fábio Porchat admite voto em Lula para tirar Bolsonaro: ‘Pintado de vermelho’. Em decisão inédita, STJ autoriza plantio de maconha para uso medicinal. Apresentadora da Globo se desculpa após pedir para convidada negra servir cocada ao público. Luciana Genro se posiciona contra educação financeira nas escolas.
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Obama Mortgage Plan – Ultimate Source of Survival For the Homeowners
US President Obama has launched an aggressive mortgage plan with the objective of helping 9 million homeowners who are struggling to pay back their home loan due to nation’s financial crisis. The plan is tailored to assist homeowners whose mortgages go above the value of actual home price and for those who are not able to pay their monthly installments of loan. the As per Obama mortgage plan, $75 billion has been sanctioned by the government to cut the home payments of various homeowners.
US Consumer Confidence SlipsUntil now, the Americans had great confidence in the United States economy and were sure they were not going to be let down. However, since October 2009 the hopes and expectations are falling because job opportunities still look bleak. Also, holiday shopping this year has been on the quieter side.