Home Vídeos News Em entrevista, Lula mente sobre Bolsonaro e cai em contradição sobre cristãos

Em entrevista, Lula mente sobre Bolsonaro e cai em contradição sobre cristãos

by Infonew
Em entrevista, Lula mente sobre Bolsonaro e cai em contradição sobre cristãos

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I Stand For Justice – Inasmuch As Ye Have Done it Unto One of the Least

The national average unemployment rate is 9.5%, nonetheless there is still debate on whether to extend unemployment benefits. Due to the state of our economy, federal law had allowed the usual safety-net of 26 weeks of unemployment insurance coverage to be extended to 99 weeks.

Laying Off Teachers Today is Very Bad For Tomorrow

Why Laying off teachers today will impact the education level of our kids tomorrow. If kids are poorly educated tomorrow, how on earth can they consider retirement?

A Tale of Debts, Hangovers and the Economy

Retailers in the U.S. are having a difficult time this year. Sales are down at the retail stores, as consumers are being very cautious with their spending. Even Internet sales are weaker than the experts had predicted.

The Demographic Cycle and the Likely Effect on the Economy

Economics are cyclical there is no question. Moreover, there are clearly shorter and longer cycles. Recently, I saw the idea of an 80 year cycle ending in a very deep dip. This discussion maintains that this is where the economy is today. Certainly, this is a more painful period than we’ve faced before and the idea deserves attention.

How to Bring Our Original Society-Friendly Thai Economy Back

Thailand has long been a peaceful agricultural society. As her land is very fertile, Thailand has long been capable of growing a lot of rice and a great exporter of rice. In history, the capital of Thailand once was Ayutthaya.

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