Em novo discurso, Fachin volta a fazer provocações a Bolsonaro


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The Rise of the Retail Class and the Decline of the Economy

As the recession trudges along, more and more job casualties are being reported. By “job casualties” I mean the positions lost, household incomes halved (or evaporated), and work hours foregone in an economy that is becoming more and more shaky with each passing day. A battle is taking place, and more and more people are giving up the fight.

The History of Republican Racism

Something that’s often overlooked is the Republican Party’s pandering to racist sentiments after the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Voting Rights Act of 1965 under the Lyndon B Johnson administration. As African-Americans began moving to the Democratic Party (which up until recently, has been the party that catered to racist sentiments), the Republican Party took this opportunity to welcome disillusioned racists who would now abandon the Democratic Party.

Housing Starts Up 3.6% – What Does This Mean To The Economy In General?

The news from the economic front is housing starts are up. There is no way this could be terrible news because it means someone, at least, will be working pretty soon. After all, houses don’t put themselves up. So, what does this new housing start number mean to the economy in general? In this article, we will explain.

The Federal Deficit: A Spending or Revenue Problem?

One of the most polarizing issues in today’s political playing field is the case of the massive deficits and mounting federal debt, along with the solution. To the Republican Party (and for that matter, libertarians and the Tea Party) the problem is one of spending. The government has grown too large and the cost of maintaining it is too expensive and burdens America with high tax rates. The right thing to do is to scale back government and cut taxes. To the Democrats, the issue is one of lowered taxes on corporations.

Tax Cut Facts: Do Tax Cuts Increase Revenues?

One of the more polarizing debates taking place in Washington is the issue of raising taxes. Barack Obama campaigned on the notion of allowing the Bush tax cuts on the wealthiest Americans to expire in order to help pay down the growing debt, and close the gap between federal spending and revenues. Republicans have been against this idea and to this day, this tax cut has not been allowed to expire.

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