Em reação a Bolsonaro, Fux e Pacheco se reúnem para debater processo eleitoral

Em reação a Bolsonaro, Fux e Pacheco se reúnem para debater processo eleitoral


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Progressivism Isn’t Progress, VII

I still hear otherwise-brilliant people (including the erudite Newt Gingrich and talented talker Glenn Beck) refer to this “progressivism of the right,” claiming that it leads to fascism as inexorably as “progressivism of the left” leads to communism. That’s wrong. It’s true that progressivism is a disease that’s infected all major American institutions of influence, including both political parties, but in fact progressivism only “progresses” in one direction: toward the left, toward big government, and toward totalitarian statism….

Human Nature, Capitalism, and Greed and Power Discussed

Some blame capitalism for the 2008 Global Economic Crisis and the current slow motion train wreck in the EuroZone; however, I am not one of them. Indeed, I’d say; had the socialists not hijacked the flows of capitalism, along with their crony capitalism cohorts, we’d have never gotten into this pickle in the first place. Okay so, now that I’ve piqued your curiosity, let’s talk shall we?

What Can Wall Street Learn From the Tech Industry’s Job Stability?

According to MSNBC’s The Bottom Line, those who work in the technology sector had a good year in 2011. Most notably, they were (apparently) much less likely to lose their job. Just three years ago, tech companies announced that they would eliminate more than 174,000 jobs in 2009 – the industry’s peak number, The Bottom Line said.

Sure We’ll Keep The Factory Here, But We Have to Ditch All the Workers in That Case

It was interesting to listen to President Obama during his state of the union speech, which I call the state of the onion speech, where he talked about the corporate off-shoring of jobs in manufacturing, and how he wished to prevent that from happening. The unions love his ideas, because it means more jobs for Americans, but it also means global protectionism, which will highly affect our exports as well. That means whereas we put tariffs on for incoming products, other countries will put tariffs on everything that we shipped out.

How To Solve The Homeless Situation

If you have gone to the supermarket lately, or if you have filled your car with gas or have paid your utilities bill then you know that although the US government won’t admit it, we are in an inflationary environment. And now many landlords are increasing the rent that they charge their tenants in order to offset their growing expenses.

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