Home Vídeos News Em vitória para a categoria, Bolsonaro sanciona piso da enfermagem

Em vitória para a categoria, Bolsonaro sanciona piso da enfermagem

by Infonew
Em vitória para a categoria, Bolsonaro sanciona piso da enfermagem

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Recent Grads Face a Bleak Economy

Recently, many young adults have graduated from college and are getting ready to make the transition from college life to the “real world.” Unfortunately, a recent data report from Demos, a public policy organization, indicates that this generation of young adults may be the first not to surpass the living standards of their parents.

Credit Crunch Will Not Start to Recover Until 2010

We are in the middle of a massive credit crunch and it is not set to start improving until 2010, so be prepared for 2 more years of financial stress. Statistics that come from an expert financial data firm, said that a general drop in inflation will help to finally balance and aid the economy. Inflation is currently at its highest peak for around 16 years, and economists predict another five or six percent inflation by the end of 2008.

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