O bicampeão de Fórmula 1 Emerson Fittipaldi lançou sua candidatura ao Senado da Itália pelo partido de direita Fratelli d’Italia nas eleições que acontecerão em setembro. O político Andrea Matarazzo também concorrerá à disputa pelo Parlamento italiano.
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Is The U.S. Economy On A Slippery Slope To Recession?
The current Administration along with Congress have recently debated and passed a bill that allows for tax rebates to be issued to millions of taxpayers. The question on everyone’s mind is obvious: Will this act be enough to stave off a deep recession in 2008?
Currency SanctionsThe US President has the power to impose economic sanctions, including against currency trading, on any country or company or individual suspected of carrying on illegal activities. These sanctions must be followed by all currency service bureaus, including those in most Western countries.