O Pânico Retrô é um canal oficial que mostra o que de melhor e mais engraçado que acontece no Programa Pânico no Rádio. Aqui você não perde nenhum detalhe desse programa sensacional. Inscreva-se e venha fazer parte dessa bagunça!
Vídeos Curtos do Pânico (Shorts): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3AYvvTlMK4VzhXHoyyAxdQ
Entrevistas completas do Pânico Jovem Pan: https://www.youtube.com/c/panicojovempan
Canal Oficial do Programa Pânico na Band: https://www.youtube.com/c/ProgramaP%C3%A2nicoLab
What Can Hawaii Learn From Cuba About Sustainability?
Before the Berlin Wall came down, Cuba was thriving. The Soviet-bloc nations bought Cuba’s sugar cane and tobacco, and they provided economic staples such as food and gasoline in return. When the Soviet Union collapsed overnight, and the wall dividing Europe came down, Cuba was suddenly stranded. Without a patron, they had no oil to run their economy. They had prolonged blackouts because there was no fuel for power plants. They had no transportation. They had no fuel for tractors on their factory farms. Even if the farms had still been running, they had no market where they could sell their goods because they were under an international embargo.
Another Wave Comes, Another Wave GoesOh no, all the water is going away! The fish will die. I’ll have no food, no ocean, no pretty beach, I’m losing everything! After a relaxing day at the beach, let’s talk economics.